Area: Економіка / Economics
Language: Англійська / English
Category: Навчальні матеріали / Training materials
Year: 2023

Hits: 24


 The textbook aligns with the curriculum and professional framework
of the discipline «International Economic Relations». It comprehensively
explores the content, structure, intricacies, and evolving trends within
international economic relations. A particular emphasis is placed on the
international division of labor and an in-depth analysis of various facets
of international economic relations, including international and regional
economic integration.
This study guide is enriched with tables, fi gures, and indispensable
statistical data, which elucidate the dynamic nature of international economic
relations’ development. After each topic, a practice test is thoughtfully
provided to assess and reinforce students’ comprehension and knowledge.
This publication promises to be an invaluable resource for a diverse
audience encompassing students, postgraduates, educators, scholars
specializing in economic disciplines, and professionals in international











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