Галузь знань: Економіка / Economics
Мова видання: Українська / Ukrainian
Вид видання: Навчальні матеріали / Training materials
Рік видання: 2020

Перегляди: 65

This study guide is developed in accordance with the work program of
the discipline «International investment activity». It summarizes and
systematizes the world experience in a particular area of research, formed
the conceptual apparatus and systematic vision of the essence and
methodology of investment activities at the international level, considered
the organizational and economic support of investment work at the world
Designed for students of higher education institutions majoring in
«International economic relations», other economic specialties, as well as
for professionals engaged in investment activities at the national and
international levels.
The spelling and punctuation of the authors of the study guide is

Джерело доступне за посиланням / The source is available here


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