Галузь знань: Педагогіка / Освіта / Pedagogy
Видавництво: Інші / Others
Мова видання: Англійська / English
Вид видання: Навчальні матеріали / Training materials
Рік видання: 2007

Перегляди: 311

This rewritten and updated sixth edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods currently employed by educational research at all stages. It has five main parts: the context of educational research, planning educational research, styles of educational research, strategies for data collection and researching and data analysis. The book contains references to a comprehensive dedicated web site of accompanying materials. It continues to be the standard text for students and lecturers undertaking, understanding and using educational research.

Джерело доступне за посиланням / The source is available here


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