Галузь знань: Педагогіка / Освіта / Pedagogy
Видавництво: Інші / Others
Мова видання: Англійська / English
Вид видання: Навчальні матеріали / Training materials
Рік видання: 2018

Перегляди: 223

‘This volume sets out the thinking and the principles informing this university-wide initiative and offers case studies across the disciplines. The central message is surely twofold: both that university education can offer a liberating experience and that, with an energetically-pursued wholeinstitutional project, universities can liberate their learning and teaching practices still further. This is an exemplary text of its kind, offering much to dwell on to all interested in advancing university education.’

Джерело доступне за посиланням / The source is available here