Галузь знань: Педагогіка / Освіта / Pedagogy
Видавництво: Інші / Others
Мова видання: Англійська / English
Вид видання: Навчальні матеріали / Training materials
Рік видання: 2008

Перегляди: 382

Jack R. Fraenkel is currently Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, and previously Director of the Research and Development Center, College of Education, San Francisco State University. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and has taught courses in research methodology for more than 30 years. In 1997, he received the James A. Michener prize in writing for his writings about the social studies and the social sciences. His current work centers around advising and assisting faculty and students in generating and developing research endeavors.

Norman E. Wallen is Professor Emeritus of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education at San Francisco State University, where he taught from 1966 to 1992. An experienced researcher, he received his Ph.D. from Syracuse University and taught courses in statistics and research design to master’s and doctoral students for many years. He is a former member of the City Council of Flagstaff, Arizona, and the Executive Committee, Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club.

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